R.A.G.E.DesignsbyGina on Facebook!


Oh hello first entry!

Welcome to my page!!!  I'm pretty excited about starting to blog and I hope you are too about reading my fun and random posts.  This blog is dedicated to you and that feel good feeling you get when you know you're looking your best!

Let me start off by telling you a little about where my head is at and by saying that I'm an all around creative person and I love creating.  Whether I'm painting, styling someones hair, applying makeup to clients or myself, taking a picture or even when I'm creating an outfit to wear for the day, I absolutely love love love (yes I wrote it 3 times on purpose) feeling free to create art work with no boundaries. 

Being a hairstylist and make-up artist has and is an amazing journey for me, it really completes me (OK I know that sounded cheesy, but its honest).  I can't even describe the feeling I get when I work with a client and we design a vision that comes to life with their finished look and they are practically in tears with excitement when they look in the mirror and see the end result.  It's amazing to see how happy a client gets and this is why I'm in that field.  Why wouldn't I want to bring that happy feeling to someone and have them walk around feeling good about themselves.  It's actually quite adorable too see that extra strut in their walk when I'm finished with them.

We all know that being a stylist isn't always fun lol.  Yes we stand on our feet a lot, yes we get those not so happy and nice clients and yes sometimes fussy hair just doesn't want to budge.  But at the end of the day,  we've poured our hearts into you and do whatever we can to create that image you picture (even when it's unreasonable hehe).  And surprise surprise, we're humans too with a slight hint of a magicians power. 

With all that being said, I wanted to create something that doesn't have that label of just hairstyling and just applying make-up.  We all know that yes that is exactly what it sorta is but my vision is more of a design and a overall styling package.  I'm creating and designing something specially tailored to you.  This is your style. 

This is my website if you want to have a peek, www.ragedesignsbygina.com.

I finally finished updating my website and hope you all enjoy it as much as I do.  I'm pretty impressed with my skills since I did the site on my own lol and didn't know a thing about website design.  But of course my creative juices came pouring out once I started.

Thank you for visiting and I shall be posting more tomorrow!!!

Gina xoxo