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Blog Suggestion Winner!!

RDBG held a blogging idea contest on our Facebook Fan Page and asked what you would like us to blog about next.  Amazing ideas were written on our wall and we thank each and every one of you for your suggestions. After we carefully went through each item written, we decided to go with Courtney Toffoli’s suggestion.  

Courtney wrote;
Blush so we don't have another lindsey lohan court disaster. So how to pick the right shades... what's better powder or cream...

The Lindsey Lohan reference did give us quite a chuckle and we have to admit, who really wants to walk out of their house looking like a clown?  Hopefully (I’m crossing my fingers) you all feel the same way.  If it’s Halloween, you work as a clown, you just want to stand out in the crowd or whatever the case may be, sure then knock yourself out and go nuts with wearing blush.  If it makes you happy then no matter what anyone says just do it up! 

Thank you Courtney for your suggestion!  As promised, you get a free RDBG cut & style and we look forward to seeing you!

Coming up next: 'Blush: Brushes, Colors & Powder or Cream?'

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